
Working close to electrical cabinets

More or less all work sites and building sites use electricity. You may need electricity for machinery and lighting, and this often requires large electrical cabinets which have to be […]

Avoid occupational accidents from heights

Occupational accidents often happen when people fall off ladders or through holes in the ground. A few precautionary measures can reduce the risk of occupational injuries and accidents. Falling from […]

Avoid strained working positions

Plan your work so that you can completely avoid working positions that place you under strain. Always use technical aids wherever you have the space and opportunity to do so. […]

Lighting on work sites and building sites

No matter whether the construction site is large or small, it is important for the lighting to be correct. Of course, when you can see what you are doing this […]

Keeping electricity in order

Electricity is dangerous if it is not correctly installed, secured and inspected regularly. Therefore, you must always be aware of electrical safety on the work site and the places where […]

Facts on requirements for railings/screens

Railings must be 1 m high and include hand, knee and foot rails. Railings must be able to withstand the following loads in between the posts: – Horizontal load of […]

Monotonous work that places a strain on your body

Various forms of monotonous, stressful work: Monotonous, repetitive work. Static holding and carrying work. Working in static working positions. Work demanding attention, concentration, vision and hearing. Stressful working positions and […]

If your hearing is damaged by noise, your hearing will never be the same again

If you work with noise levels in excess of 80 dB(A), there is a risk of you suffering from chronic hearing impairment. The louder the noise, the greater the risk […]

Lighting on work sites and building sites

No matter whether the construction site is large or small, it is important for the lighting to be correct. Of course, when you can see what you are doing this […]

When bricklayers work on scaffolding

Trestling, boxes, ladders, loose construction elements, etc. must not be used to increase the working height. On rolling scaffolding, all wheels must be braked during use. The brakes must be […]

When bricklaying

Find out how you can reduce heavy work and strained working positions. Raise the scaffolding for every 1 metre. Foundations and shelves – plan your work so that you avoid […]

Facts on ear defenders in general:

Ear defenders should not just damp as much noise as possible. You should always be able to communicate with other people on site and hear if anybody is shouting a […]

When laying and installing cables

You must not lay cables directly on the ground. Cables must be protected in areas where there are people, both walking past and in vehicles. When laying cables in the […]

Hoisting positions and hoists

The entire construction process should be thought through from the outset so you can easily access staff hoists, etc. There must be sufficient space on the construction site to allow […]

Technical arrangements that can help you:

Damp noise – for instance, shut off equipment that is not in use, avoid banging metal on metal. Damp noisy machines – such as by using cabs on contract machinery, […]