Building builder-Facts

Installation of wooden elements

Safe fitting of wooden elements is largely dependent on health and safety being incorporate throughout the entire process – in the project planning, planning and execution phases. Therefore, cooperation between […]

Problems and solutions when working with concrete elements

Concrete elements are large and heavy. Accidents can easily happen, so watch out and follow a few simple rules. Problems: Falling from ladders Dust and effects from quartz dust and […]

Technical aids: Doors and windows

What machine for what installation? Manual handling of windows and doors may cause unnecessary ergonomic strains. Therefore, suitable technical aids must be used for transportation (both vertical and horizontal) and […]

Safeguarding against falling through

When carrying out renovation tasks, the existing roof structure may be weakened to such an extent that there is a risk of falling through it. Before work is carried out, […]

Installation of concrete elements

Element fitting is no more complicated than many other tasks in construction, but the consequences are often greater when things go wrong. But the fitting of elements can of course […]

Excavation work near cable networks

Excavation work is hard on the body. Therefore, you must avoid manual excavation work as far as possible. Instead, use excavators – but be aware of requirements and safety-related arrangements, […]

Protective equipment: Working with asphalt

Asphalt contains substances and materials that can be harmful to health. Therefore, you have to pay particular attention to your protective equipment. Here, you can download a guide in which […]

Facts on roadworks lasting one day only

Roadworks can be many things. And even if minor tasks are being carried out, you must always remember screening for the sake of your own safety. Minor roadworks include: Putting […]

Facts on roadworks with no-work zones

Roadworks on less busy roads, or mobile works can be made safe by implementing a no-work zone. A no-work zone means: Creation of an area of 1 metre between the […]

Facts on forms of marking

There are many different types of marking, and the type you use depends on the size and nature of the roadworks. We differentiate between the following forms of marking: Traffic […]

Facts on low delineation plans according to the rules

When roadworks are to be carried out, a clear delineation plan must be prepared which ensures that the work site is carefully marked out. A delineation plan must include the […]

Remember safety in traffic

When working in traffic, you are very vulnerable. Therefore, you must be aware of how to screen off roadworks. Roadworks will almost always cause inconvenience to road users, so screening […]

Protective equipment: Can you hear what you see?

Noise from cutting and drilling machines, for instance, is hazardous to health. You personally have to watch out for the following: Ear defenders must be made available and worn if […]

Responsibilities and obligations

Developer: The developer has four tasks which are important for safety at the work site The tasks in the shared areas must be delimited in respect of the individual contractors […]

Facts on steps for standing and support

Steps can be placed on the laths to ensure good working positions are maintained. There are also workbenches which can be used for positioning materials/roof tiles and machines. These workbenches […]