Take a look at the video and note where Bent E used hand-held machines. Think about what strains and problems this machine/these machines can cause. Consider what alternatives there are […]
Try to imagine working in the place where you are sitting right now. Decide on what work you will imagine yourself doing. How can you achieve the best possible lighting? […]
Watch the video and note down how you think Bent E and his colleagues are placing themselves in unnecessarily strained working positions. What could they do better in the various […]
Have you elected a safety representative at your company? Have you had cause to talk to a safety representative about safety? – What about other subjects?
Watch the video and find a scene in which Bent E places himself in a strained working position. Try to recreate the situation with the person next to you: so […]
Take a look at www.bygergo.dk. Find the technical aids that will be useful to you in your profession. Have a think about the situations in which you will be working […]
A place of work assessment is an important tool for dealing with safety at your place of work. What is a place of work assessment? Who should create a place […]
Search on the Internet and find the answers to these questions: Who can be elected as a safety representative?. When should you elect a safety representative for the building site […]