
Monotonous work that places a strain on your body

Static holding and carrying work is carried out when you work – for example – with tools, equipment, handheld machinery and transport equipment. Static holding and carrying work can make […]

Correct ergonomics provide more energy

Your working position is important to your health and safety. Therefore, you must always be aware of how to lift and carry things. How the structure of the body is […]

Facts on winter on site

The winter poses special challenges on construction sites, and special requirements are applicable here to safeguard you from accidents and injury as much as possible. The winter runs from 1 […]

Requirements and legislation concerning machinery

There are machines for lots of different purposes, and every machine has its own safety regulations. Although it may seem uncomplicated, it is important for you to familiarise yourself with […]

Working close to electrical cabinets

More or less all work sites and building sites use electricity. You may need electricity for machinery and lighting, and this often requires large electrical cabinets which have to be […]

Keeping electricity in order

Electricity is dangerous if it is not correctly installed, secured and inspected regularly. Therefore, you must always be aware of electrical safety care on site and the places where you […]

Precautionary measures when using hand-held machine

You must be particularly vigilant for conditions where there is an increased risk of accidents. When working with handheld machines, it is necessary always to assess whether there are any […]

Facts on good advice on work lighting

Good lighting makes working a lot easier. But it can be hard to work by artificial light as it may cause shadows or dazzle you. So here is some good […]

Lighting at the building site

No matter whether the construction site is large or small, it is important for the lighting to be correct. Of course, when you can see what you are doing this […]

Facts on risks of injury and problems

Your work can place a strain on you in many different ways, and this means that there is a major risk of you suffering injury and problems. Injury and problems […]

Keeping electricity in order

Electricity is dangerous if it is not correctly installed, secured and inspected regularly. Therefore, you must always be aware of electrical safety care on the work site and the places […]

Watch out for dust

Dust from construction materials and biological materials is problematic and can cause serious illnesses such as eczema, allergies, chalicosis and lung cancer. The tiny dust particles and fibres are what […]

Facts on asbestos

Asbestos is made up of very thin fibres which are dangerous to inhale. Inhaling the fibres will damage your lungs and can cause pneumoconiosis and cancer that manifests itself only […]

Dust when drilling and cutting

Drilling and cutting construction elements and road surfaces gives off dust which is harmful to health. This dust has to be restricted or completely avoided – for the sake of […]

Hazardous substances

Chemicals and dust may cause eczema or . In a worst-case scenario, they may damage the brain and central nervous system, and cause problems with having healthy babies. Therefore, you […]