Click through the task together with a colleague. If you get through all the questions, discuss within the team the hazardous situations you have experienced at height.
Take a look at the video and note where Bent E used hand-held machines. Think about what strains and problems this machine/these machines can cause. Consider what alternatives there are […]
Try to imagine working in the place where you are sitting right now. Decide on what work you will imagine yourself doing. How can you achieve the best possible lighting? […]
You have to go onto the Internet and research what kinds of reinforcement are available. Find resellers and find out what it actually costs. Consider whether you think reinforcing a […]
Test yourself on working close to traffic Correct signage can protect you from vehicles and cycles ploughing into your work site and putting you and your colleagues in danger. At […]
You should come up with a couple of work situations where you would normally use a ladder. Think about whether you can find any other ways to do this work, […]