Test yourself on cooperation and wellbeing

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Not much is needed to make things work without stress or conflict. It is a good idea to chat about your experiences of work – both good and bad – and about your cooperation at work and on the building site.

Test yourself on workload/schedule If you are unable to complete a task, what do you do?
Keep going until I finish
Go home
Call the boss to agree a new schedule
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The workload should be adapted to the amount of manpower available. If the workload is too great, this can cause stress and sick leave.

Test yourself on planning and information The day's tasks have been changed without anybody telling you. What do you do?
Carry out the new task and ask the boss to pass on information earlier next time
Carry out the new task without comment
Take it home
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When plan are adjusted, everyone must be notified of important changes. Good planning and regular information are very important for everyone in the company.

Test yourself on recognition and respect A colleague is ribbed almost every day by a couple of journeymen. What do you do?
Pretend nothing has happened and make sure you do not get ribbed yourself
Go to the boss or safety representative to get him to stop the teasing
Help your colleague to stand up to the others, e.g. by teasing the journeymen
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The tone of teasing and cruel humour can be a little harsh at times. This can develop into fairly major conflicts. By backing up one another where necessary. Use the safety group to talk things through before you really fall out properly.

Test yourself on cooperation You have finished your day's work. Others from your gang have still got an hour's work to do. What do you do?
Slope off home
Park yourself somewhere where you can text your mates
Ask your colleagues whether there is anything you can help with
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Most people working for building and construction companies are dependent on effective cooperation between bosses and colleagues. If you do not show an interest in cooperation yourself, you cannot expect cooperation from others either.

Test yourself on openness and conflict resolution The journeymen set you to work clearing up and fetching materials while they have a break. What do you do?
You feel really cross, but you do the jobs without showing how annoyed you are
Refuse to do what they tell you
Do the jobs, but tell the boss and journeymen that you will not accept this kind of behaviour in future
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It is entirely fine to speak out against things within the company or on the building site that you find unacceptable. This can help to bring conflicts out into the open before they really turn serious.

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