10 pieces of advice on setting up ladders
- Ladders must always be put up properly, i.e. on a firm, flat surface
- Always check to make sure the ladder is in order, e.g. to make sure that the rungs are not broken.
- If you use ladders for access, they must be put up at the angle described in the instructions for use.
- 75 degrees is always a correct slope.
- Ladders used for access must be secured and reach 1 m up over the access point.
- Make sure that the ladder is supporting equal amounts of weight on all its legs.
- Do not put up the ladder in front of doors or windows as there is a risk of these being opened.
- Use trestle ladders where possible.
- Use ladders with horizontal, broad steps.
- Ladders to be placed up against masts or similar must be provided with suitable support