A work site must be planned and fitted out so that pedestrian and motorised traffic is not impeded by materials and suchlike. The health and safety plan must indicate how […]
The winter poses special challenges on construction sites, and special requirements are applicable here to safeguard you from accidents and injury as much as possible. The winter runs from 1 […]
Electricity is dangerous if it is not correctly installed, secured and inspected regularly. Therefore, you must always be aware of electrical safety care on site and the places where you […]
No matter whether the construction site is large or small, it is important for the lighting to be correct. Of course, when you can see what you are doing this […]
What hazardous situations may occur and what accidents may happen when there is too much mess in the workplace? Who do you think should clear up? Is clearing up part […]
What other situations can you think of where mess would mean you not using technical aids even though you should? Could the workplace being messy have any impact on the […]
Watch the video and note what can be done with the mess and who is responsible for cleaning up and maintaining order. Think about what mess means for the quality […]